We are proud to introduce the new SmartBots service: Personal Bots!
SmartBots’ personal bot is your own Second Life avatar hosted on our servers. As before, we ensure that your bot runs 24 hours 7 days a week. We will help you to manage your bot avatar!
Easy setup, live support is available!
Personal Bots Features
SmartBots personal bots support:
- Avatar appearance and outfits,
- Animations with AOs (animation overriders) support,
- AI autoresponder (powered by Pandorabots),
- Fully controllable using HUD.
Plus all unique features provided by SmartBots: direct inviter, chat antispam, group notices with attachments!
The price is fixed and includes ALL possible service: L$479 per week!
Login to your account and click “Your Personal Bots” to create your own bot. Our support managers will help you to install and launch your Second Life bot!
I used first a Personal Bot for my sim. I did everything to have a nice and sexy female Avatar BOT. New shape, new skin, new hair, new outfit, new AO. It is pleasant and easy to do like an ALT but this is a BOT. Don’t forget that.
Then I wanted to follow the experience. I have now nine personal Bot. All with different name, male and female. It looks as if a Personal Bot can cover 96 meters that is the reason why I took more. If my information is wrong please tell me, but I am happy with this new experience.
TRY IT !! It is so funny!
Comment by NicolasDavid Hutchinson — May 6, 2011 @ 4:52 pm