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Live SL group chat on your website – WebTalk

The completely new, brand and unique tool has been launched by SmartBots: WebTalk. This tool allows you to connect your web activity with Second Life, and allow your web visitors reading and talking in your Second Life group.

Web visitors authenticate themselves using Google, Facebook or Twitter account. Thus, logging to Second Life is not required at all. WebTalk remembers the SL name of the Ā authenticated person and will use it next time automatically.

Short FAQ

The following short FAQ explains the basics of WebTalk tool:

Q: How can I put WebTalk on my website?
A: This documentation page explains the WebTalk setup. Basically, you get HTML snippet code and put it on your website.

Q: Is it safe?
A: We’ve paid a lot of attention to the safety of the WebTalk. Besides the automatic spam checks, you can mute any user of the web using SmartBots Group Chat window.

Q: May I change WebTalk window appearance?
A: Yes, you may apply your own CSS file over WebTalk window, changing the appearance. Refer to this documentation page for details.

Please proceed to official WebTalk documentation page to see the screenshots and know more. The working WebTalk chat is also available at SmartBots contacts page.

Adding to blacklist directly from web chat

A new option has been added to SmartBots Group Chat service: now you can add resident to the blacklist without leaving the chat page.

How does it work

As you may see on the following picture, the “Eject or blacklist resident” section contains two options now:

The first option (“Eject resident from the group”) controls wherever you want to eject selected resident from the group members. If this option is checked, and resident is not in the group, operation will fail.

The second option (“Add resident to blacklist”) controls if you need to blacklist resident, and prevent him/her from joining the group. You may blacklist person even if he is not a group member at all.


HTTP API Specifications and Demo available

We are publishing the specifications of SmartBots HTTP API: the programming interface to control your Second Life bots and groups.

SmartBots API provides essential functions to manage your requirements:

  • deliver invitations to the groups, eject members from Second Life groups;
  • move Second Life bot, interact with bot’s HUD devices and attachments.


To show the possibilities of SmartBots API, we’ve deployed a demo battle arena with two remotely controlled bots – check the documentation page for details.


The HTTP API specs are available here. We will expand the functionality and add more features regularly, subscribe to the blog updates!