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Bots Playground launched at DevPortal

SmartBots Blog July 15, 2016 by Glaznah Gassner

Second Life bots programming in JavascriptDear friends, I’m proud to inform you that we’ve launched the beta testing of Bots Playground: the sandbox to program your bots in Javascript.

Read more details in DevPortal blog post (we appreciate if you subscribe to DevPortal blog updates, too).

Free bot for developers

We treat developers as valuable friends of SmartBots. From now, if you are a developer in Second Life, and want to try developing things with SmartBots too (using new Bots Playground, HTTP API or AdminBot LSL library – whatever), you can request a free bot at SmartBots. This bot will remain free life-time (well, as long as you develop things for Second Life with SmartBots).

Proceed to the DevPortal blog for more details!

1 Comment »

  1. I love this idea its very good :)

    Comment by Amadeu Callow — July 16, 2016 @ 1:36 pm

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