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Waypoints Navigator Update!

Waypoints for second life bots updatedWaypoints Navigator add-on makes your Personal Bot more alive with a simple setup that allows your personal bot the abilities to sit, stand, walk, run, talk and so much more. If your land needs a tour-guide with personality, this add-on is for you!

Bots with Waypoints Navigator used to have troubles being stuck in “sit” animation after standing up from objects, we’ve been working on this and were able to eliminate the problem. Your bots  will now happily walk around with correct animations!

For more information or questions, please contact a SmartBots Customer Support, or teleport to our in-world office.

Linden Lab Update for International Card Users

Second Life

Today we’ve stumbled on an update from Linden Lab, we think it’s important for you to know as well:

According to Linden Lab, due to several changes within their International Billing system, every Resident outside of United States must update their payment method information via Second Life accounts. Doing so now will prevent disruptions in your L$ transactions such as marketplace purchases, vendors, land payments, recurring transactions, etc.

More details about the following update is available on Second Life official blog


SimpAnalytics – the tool to measure SL traffic!

SimpAnalytics - collect and analyze your parcel traffic in Google AnalyticsSimple Analytics is latest project from a creators of SmartBots!

Whether you are a large SL business owner managing multiple sims, or a small one, you can now collect, analyze and review the traffic of all your SL parcels. Both historical and real-time data available.

SimpAnalytics allows you to use Google Analytics, which is designed to track hits on websites. Within minutes you can start tracking your land traffic. Traffic analysis and data management is an essential aspect to every business in Second Life: you can get started at SimpAnalytics website. It’s absolutely free!

  1. Create your SimpAnalytics account & add your parcel
  2. Rez a special Tracker device
  3. Link it with your Google Analytics account (website will explain you how to create one)

Visit Simple Analytics website and create a free account now!
Theres’ a live help chat available if you get any questions.

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