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SmartBots 10th Anniversary discount sprints

SmartBots Blog September 30, 2020 by DJEspektro Aeon

Since 2010, SmartBots has changed the way thousand of customers use Second Life!

We are celebrating our 10th anniversary in 2020. To end the year in thrilling way, we are starting discount sprints: a new discount every week, starting from October 1st.

We call it “Do more with SmartBots” series!

Do more with SmartBots #01

The first discount sprint is starting!
Use the coupon code DOMORESB01 to get 15% discount on Alive Support Bot add-on.

Being in touch with your customers has never been more important, thinking about it, SmartBots created the Alive Support Bot, to bring your customers closer and making the services more agile.

Starts on October 1st ends on October 5th (yep, the first sprint is shorter than others).
Subscribe to SmartBots blog and stay tuned!

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