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Unscheduled Bots Playground Maintenance

Bots Playground has received an update today: we’ve got script folders for script creators convenience.

Unfortunately we occasionally hit a Second Life maintenance window so some scripts were not started automatically despite of our efforts. Please visit your Bots Playground to ensure that all required scripts are running.

My personal apologies for the inconvenience! šŸ™

[Completed] Upcoming upgrade for SmartBots

We will be performing a big system upgrade tomorrow, Jun 14th.

What is expected to happen:

  • Your bots will remain safe and operational during this update.
  • The website, in-world HUDs and terminals may experience approximately 1 hour of downtime.

The update is scheduled to commence at 00:00 SLT on Jun 14th.

Marvellous SmartBots Support Team will be wide awake and ready to assist you throughout this period.

Unscheduled Web Maintenance – Resolved!

Hello Everyone,Ā System Bot Maintenance

Yesterday (August 20th, 2022) we’ve had an unscheduled maintenance on our web servers. Thankfully, there was no delay in automated services – the bots were functioning okay. However, some of the users could not access the website.

Everything is resolved and back to normal now, we sincerely apologize for the provided inconvenience. Our team will keep monitoring this issue so it won’t happen again.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact our 24/7 Live Chat

Bot server issues, migrating to a spare one

We have an issue with one of the servers (the publicĀ network was suddenly shut down because of a maintenance).

The affected bots have been moved to a spare machine, and logging in now gradually. We expect all bots come backĀ online in 15 minutes.

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