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RLV Support Add-On Updated!

This blog is addressed to recent issues regarding RLV Support add-on. For the past few days our team has been working on improving the stability and functionality of the following add-on.

The following fixes are applied:

  • RLV dialogs now begin responding faster after bot relog (few seconds instead of minute)
  • Items lock/unlock now properly working
  • Worn items displayed correctly in RLV folder dialogs
  • Improved compatibility with a lot of RLV devices

If you have any devices which have compatibility issues, please contact our 24/7 Support Team

Advanced Notices now allows custom scheduling!

Advanced Notices add-on is designed to enhance your business by sending important notices and announcements using a calendar-based interface.

Recently we conducted a survey asking for feedback regarding the Advanced Notices add-on, as always our users were kind enough to provide very useful feedback. Thank you!

We added a feature to allow custom scheduling, when you visit your Advanced Notices add-on

1. Visit your Advanced Notices and create new notice
2. Enable the Repeat option
3. You will notice the Custom option that you can click.

This option will allow you to enter your own schedule, which our system will recognize, parse it with our scheduling and give you the confirmation.


To find out more information and what kind of scheduling rules you can currently enter, Visit Custom Schedule Documentation

You can purchase the Advanced Notices add-on from our add-on store – if you need any help, feel free to contact our 24/7 Live Chat Support

Live IMs page badges

Live IMs module unread messages badgeLive IMs is an extremely popular SmartBots module for Second Life bots which allows talking through your bot.

About module: you can receive messages, reply to them and compose new conversations via web page. All messages go through your bot so it is an ideal solution for an office greeter or a support bot (our staff use it for support, too).

What’s new: to make your work with Live IMs a bit more convenient, we’ve added a badge displaying the number of unread messages.

This badge helps you noticing new messages.

A bit more info about Live IMs:

And a special discount coupon: get Live IMs with 25% discount: NOWIWONTMISS (available within next 3 days).

Simple IM Autoresponder update (coupon inside)

Simple autoresponder for Second Life botsSimple IM Autoresponder is a module which adds a bit of interactivity to your personal bot. Basically, it allows to react on certain keywords in residents’ IMs.

This module is very popular addon at SmartBots. We just updated the module’s functionality:

  • bot is now able to send a group invitation in response to resident’s IM,
  • inventory delivery chooser has been improved,
  • configuration page asks for a confirmation if you have unsaved changes,
  • finally, the page has been refashioned (this has been done to match our design guidelines).


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