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SmartBots Official Blog

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Christmas Super Winter Sale

SmartBots celebrates this Christmas with a super Winter Sale. This is your chance to get any of our addons for a special price!

  1. Check the Xmas discount coupons here.
  2. Also take a look at our discounted bundles!


Merry Christmas!

2020 is coming to a close (phew!). Despite of this year’s specialty, I hope you enjoyed what we achieved in 2020! At SmartBots we are eager about what we do: we think out new tools, we find the ways to do things nobody managed to do before (have you tried our SpeedLight viewer?).

On behalf of myself and all of the team at SmartBots I would like to thank all of our customers and users! Thank you for your support, thank you for your business. We wish you Merry Christmas and happy New year! I wish our First and Second lives to become at least bit better in 2021!

Sincerely yours,
Glaznah Gassner
the creator of various stuff you like

SmartBots Black Friday Week!

We glad to serve you your Second Life business for more than 10 years!

SmartBots is the biggest Second Life bot hosting (and group tools) company! And working to deliver the best services with unbeatable prices and quality.

We present you the Black Friday Week specials: add-on bundles with a great discount. (more…)

Do more with Smartbots #06

Imagine a world where your bot could tell your customers everything they want to know, how do your services work, how much they cost, which kind of services you provide or where they can find you when you are not on Second Life.
Now back to reality, using the Instant Message Autoresponder you can do that!

Setup keywords and their respective answers to customize your bot and how it will interact with your customers!


The Advanced Notices feature list is available here Instant Message Autoresponder add-on.

Get the add-on

Use the coupon code DOMORESB06 to get 30% discount on Instant Message Autoresponder add-on.

This offer is valid from November 11th until November 19th.

Feel free to contact our 24/7 Live Chat Support for any questions

SmartBots helpdesk with tickets

We are launching a Tickets Support Portal to give you an alternative to our Live Chat.

Sometimes you prefer ticket over a live chat; sometimes the problem is complex so we want to keep you informed about the progress. In all cases, tickets portal is a must-have support tool!

Use SmartBots tickets portal to post your question from now on!

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