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Security Bot – new personal bot add-on

Protect your Second Life land with a new Security Bot add-on!


  • Set parcel access mode: everyone or allowed list only
  • Manage access lists on web
  • Set anti-spam protection
  • See security logs online


Security Bot is a new add-on for SmartBots. Your bot tracks visitors of your parcel 24/7 and ejects unwanted residents (you set the allowance mode yourself). (more…)

Do more with SmartBots! #02

Rent out your Second Life group membership!
Group Tenancy allows you to invite resident to your group for a price and limited time.
Thus, resident pays the terminal and becomes your group tenant.
After the tenancy period expires, resident gets ejected from the group automatically.
You do not longer have to maintain members expiration lists manually. Your bot does everything for you!


Group Tenancy:


* Set the rent time and price (e.g. “L$99 for 7 days”)
* Set the retention period (e.g. “wait 1 day before ejection”)
* Works with closed membership groups
* Automatically invite tenant to the required role
* Automatically eject expired tenants
* Set up greeting/notification IMs
* View current tenants or the whole group members
* View payments history

Group Tenancy add-on is designed to help you renting out your SL group membership. The web interface provides an access to active members list, payment history and all group members.

The add-on also comes with special Group Tenancy terminal to allow your group members to pay for their membership.


Get the add-on

Use the coupon code DOMORESB02 to get 10% discount on Group Tenancy Bot add-on.

This offer is valid until October 12th.

Feel free to contact our 24/7 Live Chat Support for any questions

SmartBots 10th Anniversary discount sprints

Since 2010, SmartBots has changed the way thousand of customers use Second Life!

We are celebrating our 10th anniversary in 2020. To end the year in thrilling way, we are starting discount sprints: a new discount every week, starting from October 1st.

We call it “Do more with SmartBots” series!

Do more with SmartBots #01

The first discount sprint is starting!
Use the coupon code DOMORESB01 to get 15% discount on Alive Support Bot add-on.

Being in touch with your customers has never been more important, thinking about it, SmartBots created the Alive Support Bot, to bring your customers closer and making the services more agile.

Starts on October 1st ends on October 5th (yep, the first sprint is shorter than others).
Subscribe to SmartBots blog and stay tuned!

New HTTP APIs for developers

Hello everyone!

During the last few months we were working on SpeedLight (the first and only Second Life web and mobile viewer). This does not mean we’ve forgot about SmartBots! Nope. SpeedLight runs on SmartBots engine and we added a lot of new features to the engine.

Now it is time to bring these new features to SmartBots users!

We are starting with a new HTTP API command and an updated HTTP callback feature:

  • parcel_eject – the command to eject (and probably ban) another avatar from bot’s parcel
  • the bunch of HTTP callback events – including “nearby avatars, teleport/friendship/inventory offers and more

What’s next?

We will be adding more features to API soon. Also, the Bots Playgroups (the JavaScript bots programming tool) will get updates. Finally, we did a new security-related add-on for your bots. Testing it now, to be released this month!

Thank you for staying with us, and stay tuned! :)

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