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Monday’s Live Stream: Group Activity Booster

You’ve liked our first Live Steam a lot and we’ve decided to go live again on Monday, Nov 11th at 15:00 SLT. The translation will be dedicated to our Group Activity Booster device (also known as GAB).

About GAB

We’ve released this device few years ago, and it is extremely useful to boost the parcel traffic and get members to the group.

GAB device periodically “summons” residents to your parcel. You set the small payment (from L$1) to the first N residents arriving and staying on your parcel for a time you desire. And most of visitors usually stay in parcel till the next round, increasing your traffic even more.

What’s next?

And stay tuned!

Group Tenancy now allows hours, minutes or even seconds rental period

According to this request, we’ve added a possibility to specify hours, minutes or even seconds as a tenancy period.

How does it look now

You can select the required rental period type now:

Use the “WishList” (the widget provided by UserPowered) to add your own wishes or feedback.

Inviter Interface device updated

Ne inviter board, with rotating imagesAn important update for SmartBots Inviter Interface has been released (the actual version is now v5.4).

The update contains improvements which make the visitor locator more stable and flexible. If you are using SmartBots Group Inviter, we suggest you to grab the new Interface and rez it. It is not a mandatory update, but your inviter is guaranteed to work more smoothly.

Get a new Interface:

Group Tenancy add-on released!

Group Tenancy is a new add-on for Standard Personal Bots that allows renting out your Second Life group membership!

Group Tenancy invites residents to your group for a price and limited time. Thus, resident pays the terminal and becomes your group tenant. After the tenancy period expires, resident gets ejected from the group automatically.

You no longer have to maintain members expiration lists manually. Your bot does everything for you!

How it works

  1. You list your group with Group Tenancy, set the membership period & rez an in-world Terminal
  2. Visitor pays to the Payment Terminal
  3. Bot sends a group invitation
  4. …time passes
  5. Once a group membership period expires, bot ejects the resident from the group.

The add-on includes transactional IMs: the greeting message, payment reminder and ejection message.


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