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SmartBots accounts becoming multi-lingual

As you may remember, we’ve promised to focus on  user-friendliness and usability in 2018. We believe that the most important requirements today are a) being mobile-friendly pages and b) being international.

Meet multi-lingual add-ons!

While the mobile adaptation process is in progress, we are glad to present you the first truly international sections of SmartBots: Local Chat and Bank Bot add-ons.

This is just the beginning of the internationalization process!

Can you help us?

We did a basic translation of Local Chat and Bank Bot addons to German, Spanish, French and Italian. However, the translations are really “basic”! If you are a native German/Spanish/Italian speaker, you would probably cry to fix a lot. If your language is not listed yet, you may also want to add it.

We can not do the expert translations, but you can help SmartBots by using an online translation web interface:

We really appreciate any help translating SmartBots! The most active helpers will get rewarded by discounts and free subscription periods!

To start, just click one of the links above. If you have any questions, contact our marvelous support team!

Update for developers

New HTTP API commandsWe’ve released an update for SL developers today (the JSON-formatted HTTP responses and the new API command). Read details here (and subscribe to developers’ blog).

Also, a minor HUD problem (“Setup” page on/off checkboxes for Trusted Managers) has been fixed. The update is server-side, no HUD update is required!

Bank Bot add-on has been released

A new add-on, Bank Bot has being released! Add-on enables Second Life bot to control the financials of your Second Life business. Turn your bot into a reliable automated payment processor!

The add-on includes the following tools:

  1. Live balance page: monitor bot’s L$ balance, and send payments.
  2. Payment calendar: the tool to schedule payments.
  3. Payment notifications: the tool to IM you when bot’s balance changes or reaches the limit.

To read about add-on features (and see screenshots) visit the Bank Bot docs page.

Purchasing the Bank Bot

A sneak peek

You can purchase the Bank Bot in SmartBots Store.

Instead of the usual discount coupon, we’ve decided to experiment with a cashback:

  1. Buy add-on by the end of January and you’ll get 50% of its price funded back to your Wallet!
  2. Purchasing multiple add-ons counts toward the cashback.
  3. The Wallet bonuses will be funded on Feb 1st 2018.

Get the Bank Bot now!
(no coupons required this time)

SmartBots to become 100% mobile-friendly

Dear friends! First of all, we appreciate you are being with SmartBots since 2009!

The development of SmartBots started in 2009 – the early mobile era. Shame on us, we did not paid enough attention to mobile users yet! Working with Second Life bots for almost 10 years, we finally dare to rework all SmartBots services and pages to become 100% mobile-friendly.

This is a quite tricky work because SmartBots uses multiple web engines and platforms (if you are interested: Linux and Windows, PHP and Perl, C# and NodeJS, xml and Vue). We have to dig into each engine and rework it until it supports all modern mobile phones! A complex task we have to do.

Helpful hints

We will start reworking website parts one by one. If you really need something to be adapted asap, don’t hesitate to contact us (just drop a word to our support!). We will prioritize all requests. The website main page has been adapted for a mobile usage, more to come!

Plans besides mobility

Despite of this task complexity, we will keep developing new services and improving existing tools. The new bot tool will be published within the next few days!

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