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Dragons&Princesses – updated, improved, with a special offer

Dragons & Princesses: Second Life parcel traffic gameWe’ve just released a fresh, updated version of our parcel traffic game – Dragons&Princesses.

Actually, this game does not relate to bots (despite it involves the huge dragon bot to manage various things!). However, as most of SmartBots customers own a piece of land, this game can be extremely useful to boost the visitors amount, gain parcel traffic and make parcel alive.

The game is quite straight forward. We have a special page to explain it:

Something special for you

As usual, the bonuses and awards have been prepared for our fellow friends. We give L$1,000 bonus balance to every user of SmartBots (this roughly equals to more than 300 minutes of visitors in your parcel). To get the bonus, login to your SmartBots account… and wait for few seconds :)

To have quick reading about Dragons&Princesses, visit this page.
The full website is located here. Happy advertising!