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Unscheduled Bots Playground Maintenance

Bots Playground has received an update today: we’ve got script folders for script creators convenience.

Unfortunately we occasionally hit a Second Life maintenance window so some scripts were not started automatically despite of our efforts. Please visit your Bots Playground to ensure that all required scripts are running.

My personal apologies for the inconvenience! 🙏

Smarter AI: SmartBots AI Roles Update

We have deployed a major update to SmartBots’ AI Roles system, making bot customization more flexible and user-friendly. These updates allow for better control over how your bot interacts and responds.


Introducing AI Roles

We’re happy to announce a new feature in SmartBots: AI Roles. This update lets you assign specific roles to your Personal Bots using SmartBots AI, giving them unique personalities and knowledge that match your needs.


AI Tokens: Smarter and 10x Cheaper Now

In addition to out previous post I would like to mention that SmartBots AI tokens became 10x cheaper:

  • 1M (one million) tokens cost L$100
  • 10M (ten millions) cost L$1,000
  • and so on

That’s thanks to new OpenAI pricing policy!

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