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Group Chat AntiSpam device updated: allowed words added

SmartBots Group Chat AntiSpam device has been updated. The new config directive has been added: “WHITE WORDS”.

This directive allows some words to be told on group chat. Imagine that you want to protect your Second Life group against spammers, and forbid them to send URLs and SLURLs. You add the following directive to config notecard:

STOPWORDS = http://

This blocks spammers from sending URLs and SLURLs. But what about your own customers and support? Sometimes they need to say your business SLURL to the chat. Add the new directive

WHITE WORDS = secondlife/My%Region%Name/

and all messages containing this string will be considered safe.

You can get the new updated AntiSpam device at SL Marketplace for free.


Adding to blacklist directly from web chat

A new option has been added to SmartBots Group Chat service: now you can add resident to the blacklist without leaving the chat page.

How does it work

As you may see on the following picture, the “Eject or blacklist resident” section contains two options now:

The first option (“Eject resident from the group”) controls wherever you want to eject selected resident from the group members. If this option is checked, and resident is not in the group, operation will fail.

The second option (“Add resident to blacklist”) controls if you need to blacklist resident, and prevent him/her from joining the group. You may blacklist person even if he is not a group member at all.


New SmartBots device, and new plugin are available

We’ve released a new device and new plugin script today! Both devices were created on customers’ requests:

1. SmartBots Anti-Spam device

This is automatic device which monitors your Second Life group for spammers and beggars, and eject them from the group (with or without giving a warning).

Antispam device is very easy to configure (it supports words, phrases and wildcards) and lightweight (1 prim only).

It’s available at SL Marketplace already – click here.

2. Group Inviter plugin for IntelliAD

This is a plugin for famous adboard rental system developed by Intelli. We’ve created the group inviter plugin which invites your tenants to the group (any role, closed enrollment allowed) and ejects them when they got evicted.

Plugin is configurable using the config notecard and also available at SL Marketplace.

P.S. I really appreciate the help of our customers who helped developing and testing these products! Thank you very much!

Chat now indicates the missing abilities

Some of our customers were experiencing troubles kicking out the chat spammers, because there were no message to determine the missing “Eject” ability.

The diagnostic message has been added and now tells if your bot is unable to eject users from the group. Use your SL client to turn on the “Eject members from this group” ability.

P.S. Remember that ejected members fall into the Blacklist, and will never receive an invitation from SmartBots.

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