We’ve recently discovered a minor problem with Support Bot friendliness. The bot is supposed to greet your visitor once he starts typing (even before he sends away the message).
This is how this greeting message looks like (with the default Support Bot settings):

The secret is that bot reacts on visitor’s “XXX started typing” notification. However, it turned out that (some) SL regions (sometimes) forget to send this notification. The reasons are quite obscure, but they prevent support bot from greeting your visitor.
We did a tiny workaround: bot also tracks the “stopped typing” notification which still arrive. Bot uses it to ensure that greeting has been sent to the visitor. Since most of residents do short pauses while typing (usually after “Hello”), the bot is always aware of a new contact.
We are very grateful to our customer whose bot helped to locate and resolve this issue!
Today’s blog-post-coupon is ALWAYSYOURS, it gives 30% discount while purchasing the Support Bot module in our Store.