Sending group invitation
From SmartBots Developers Docs
The following example demonstrates the usage of group_invite API command.
It delivers invitation to everyone who touches your object.
Sending the group invitation to avatar
string sbApiKey="...";
string sbBotName="...";
string sbBotAccessCode="...";
key groupUUID="....";
key roleUUID="..."; // NULL_KEY for "Everyone"
string message="Welcome to our group!";
default {
touch_start(integer total_number) {
string params = llDumpList2String([
"action=" + "group_invite",
"apikey=" + llEscapeURL(sbApiKey),
"botname=" + llEscapeURL(sbBotName),
"secret=" + llEscapeURL(sbBotAccessCode),
"avatar=" + llEscapeURL(llDetectedKey(0)),
"groupuuid=" + llEscapeURL((string)groupUUID),
"roleuuid=" + llEscapeURL((string)roleUUID),
"message=" + llEscapeURL(message),
], "&");
[HTTP_METHOD,"POST"], params);