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Sends out the group notice.

// Command usage:
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, SB_NOTICE_SEND, string str, key id);

API parameters

llMessageLinked function accepts str and id parameters. Their meaning for SB_NOTICE_SEND is explained below:

Variable Required Description.

str yes First line - notice subject

Rest of the string - notice text.

id yes Attachment inventory ID (optional)


This command delivers the notice to the group, accompanied with optional attachment:

key inventoryID = "b38b71a1-60a6-b109-75f2-8a22f68e7851";

  "This is a subject line" + "\n" +
  "This is a body,\nprobably multiline",

Using attachments

The notice attachment UUID can be copied from the bot's inventory in SmartBots account:

  1. Open account dashboard
  2. Click on "auto notices" link within your group:
  3. Open "Inventory" tab
  4. Locate your inventory item and click "inventory UUID: click to show":

Important notes

1. Subject and text limitations

Please remember that notice subject is limited to latin letters and numbers only, and maximum length is 254 single-byte characters.

The notice text can contain international characters, the maximum length is 512 bytes. See Second Life wiki for details.

2. Attachment permissions

Your bot have to have both "Copy" and "Transfer" permissions to send out your attachments (the "next owner permissions" can be set to any value).

The inventory permissions can be verified and updated on Inventory page:


key inventoryID = "b38b71a1-60a6-b109-75f2-8a22f68e7851";

  "This is a subject line" + "\n" +
  "This is a body,\nprobably multiline",