Initializing AdminBot

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AdminBot have to know the SL group name you are going to use.

Sending SB_SETUP_SETGROUP command

You can set the group in two ways:

  1. By calling SB_SETUP_SETGROUP command (with the group name).
  2. By calling SB_SETUP_SETGROUPUUID command (with the group UUID).
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,SB_SETUP_SETGROUP,"My group name","SECURITY CODE");


  • (yes, the above examples are correct: you can pass the string value instead of key)

Security Code

To protect your group from abusive scripters, you have to pass the group security code while initializing - (read more about security code).

Determining Success

AdminBot will raise the event after SB_SETUP_SETGROUP or SB_SETUP_SETGROUPUUID