Status Codes

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"Command status code" is additional information you receive with the AdminBot event.

How to get the code

Events come to your script using link_message:

link_message( integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id )

The "Command status code" is located in the str variable (while num holds the AdminBot event ID).

Status Codes

The possible status codes are listed below:

Possible events Status code Description

Success code

SB_STATUS_REPLY OK Command succeed, group subscription valid.

Command fails

SB_COMMAND_FAILED UNKNOWN_COMMAND The command you've sent is unknown. Try upgrading to the most newest version.
SB_COMMAND_FAILED SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE This SmartBots service is not available for you. Refer to SmartBots Services page for details.
GROUP_NOTSET You are trying to issue the command, but AdminBot does not know it's group yet (use SB_SETUP_SETGROUP command)

Group status fails

GROUP_NOTEXIST The group you are trying to use does not exist. You have to visit and list your group
SB_SETUP_FAILED GROUP_WRONGSECURITY You have specified the wrong Security Code while setting the group using SB_SETUP_SETGROUP.
GROUP_NOTPAID You've listed your group with SmartBots, but did not paid your subscription yet.
GROUP_EXPIRED Your SmartBots subscription has expired. The expiration date attached.
GROUP_NOTSETUP Editor will process and start your order shortly. Please wait a bit.

Group chat errors

SB_COMMAND_FAILED CHAT_LISTEN_FAILED Error occured while trying to listen for the group chat


The following example shows how to parse group setup error.

In this example we receive the SB_SETUP_FAILED event: this means that AdminBot can't use the group you've asked. We should try to understand what's wrong with the group (usually the group name error, or SmartBots subscription has expired).

link_message(integer sender,integer cmd, string data, key id) {
  /////////////////// Group setup failed event
  if(cmd==SB_SETUP_FAILED) {
    // We split the string parameter to the lines
    list parts=llParseString2List(data,["\n"],[]);

    // The first line is a status code, and second line is the group expiration date
    string code=llList2String(parts,0);
    string expires=llList2String(parts,1);
    // Inform user
    llOwnerSay("AdminBot group setup failed:\n"+
      "error code: "+code+"\n"+
      "expired: "+expires);