Simple Inventory Giver Script

From SmartBots Developers Docs
TotalControl for LSLExamples
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This script asks the bot to give out an inventory object to whoever touches the prim the script is in

  1. Sets up the device and the bot in state_entry
  2. Sends out inventory object on touch

Note that the inventory object is the UUID of an asset in the Bots inventory.

/////////// SMARTBOTS TOTALCONTROL ///////////////
// Library docs:                                //
//        //
// Setup and startup                            //
integer BOT_SETUP_SETBOT            = 280101;   //
integer BOT_STATUS_QUERY            = 280106;   //
integer BOT_RESET_TOTALCONTROL      = 9997770;  //
// Bot Status                                   //
integer BOT_LOGIN                   = 280111;   //
integer BOT_LOGOUT                  = 280112;   //
integer BOT_LOCATION                = 290232;   //
// Device Settings                              //
integer BOT_SETUP_SETOPTIONS        = 280104;   //
integer BOT_SETUP_DEVICENAME        = 280103;   //
integer BOT_SETUP_DEBUG             = 280105;   //
integer BOT_SETUP_SETLINK           = 280102;   //
// Communication commands                       //
integer BOT_SAY_CHAT                = 280121;   //
integer BOT_INSTANT_MESSAGE         = 280122;   //
integer BOT_SAY_GROUP_CHAT          = 280123;   //
integer BOT_SEND_NOTICE             = 280124;   //
integer BOT_OFFER_TELEPORT          = 290226;   //
integer BOT_LISTEN_LOCAL_CHAT       = 280125;   //
integer BOT_LISTEN_IM               = 280126;   //
// Movement                                     //
integer BOT_WALK                    = 280131;   //
integer BOT_WALKTO                  = 280132;   //
integer BOT_TELEPORT                = 280133;   //
integer BOT_FLY                     = 280134;   //
integer BOT_SIT                     = 290214;   //
integer BOT_STAND                   = 290217;   //
// Group Management                             //
integer BOT_LIST_GROUPS             = 280144;   //
integer BOT_LIST_GROUP_ROLES        = 290227;   //
integer BOT_GROUP_JOIN              = 280145;   //
integer BOT_GROUP_LEAVE             = 280146;   //
integer BOT_ACTIVATE_GROUP          = 290215;   //
integer BOT_GROUP_SET_ROLE          = 290228;   //
integer BOT_GROUP_INVITE            = 280156;   //
integer BOT_GROUP_EJECT             = 280157;   //
integer BOT_SELECT_GROUP_TAG        = 290216;   //
// Friendship                                   //
integer BOT_OFFER_FRIENDSHIP        = 280147;   //
integer BOT_UNFRIEND                = 280160;   //
integer BOT_FRIENDSHIP_CAN_EDIT     = 290229;   //
integer BOT_FRIENDSHIP_SEE_ONLINE   = 290230;   //
integer BOT_FRIENDSHIP_SEE_ON_MAP   = 290231;   //
// Money and Inventory                          //
integer BOT_LISTEN_INVENTORY_OFFER  = 280141;   //
integer BOT_LISTEN_MONEY_PAYMENTS   = 280142;   //
integer BOT_GIVE_INVENTORY          = 280150;   //
integer BOT_GIVE_MONEY              = 280151;   //
integer BOT_GIVE_MONEY_OBJECT       = 290225;   //
integer BOT_GET_BALANCE             = 280152;   //
integer BOT_INVENTORY_DELETE        = 290234;   //
integer BOT_NOTECARD_CREATE         = 290235;   //
integer BOT_NOTECARD_EDIT           = 290236;   //
integer BOT_NOTECARD_READ           = 290237;   //
// Bot Appearance                               //
integer BOT_WEAR                    = 280155;   //
integer BOT_TAKEOFF                 = 290223;   //
integer BOT_REBAKE                  = 290222;   //
integer BOT_ATTACHMENTS             = 280153;   //
// Sim Management                               //
integer BOT_SIM_RESTART_START       = 280158;   //
integer BOT_SIM_RESTART_STOP        = 280159;   //
integer BOT_SIM_SEND_MESSAGE        = 290218;   //
integer BOT_SIM_KICK                = 290219;   //
integer BOT_SIM_ACCESS              = 290220;   //
integer BOT_SIM_ACCESS_ALL_ESTATES  = 290221;   //
// Misc. commands                               //
integer BOT_LISTEN_DIALOG           = 280143;   //
integer BOT_TOUCH_OBJECT            = 280148;   //
integer BOT_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT       = 280149;   //
integer BOT_DIALOG_REPLY            = 280154;   //
// EVENTS                                       //
integer BOT_SETUP_SUCCESS           = 280201;   //
integer BOT_SETUP_FAILED            = 280202;   //
integer BOT_COMMAND_FAILED          = 280203;   //
integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_LOCAL_CHAT = 280204;   //
integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_IM         = 280205;   //
integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_INVENTORY  = 280206;   //
integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_MONEY      = 280207;   //
integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_SUCCESS    = 280208;   //
integer BOT_EVENT_STATUS_REPLY      = 280209;   //
integer BOT_LIST_GROUPS_REPLY       = 280210;   //
integer BOT_LIST_GROUP_ROLES_REPLY  = 290224;   //
integer BOT_GET_BALANCE_REPLY       = 280211;   //
integer BOT_EVENT_LISTEN_DIALOG     = 280212;   //
integer BOT_ATTACHMENTS_REPLY       = 280213;   //
integer BOT_LOCATION_REPLY          = 290233;   //
integer BOT_NOTECARD_READ_REPLY     = 290238;   //
integer BOT_NOTECARD_CREATE_REPLY   = 290238;   //
// Simple Inventory giver example
string deviceName = "Inventory Giver";
string botName = "Bot Name";
string botCode = "Bot Access Code";
string inventoryID = "UUID goes here";

default {
    state_entry() {
        // Setup Device
        llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, BOT_SETUP_DEVICENAME, deviceName, llGetOwner());
        // Setup Bot
    touch_start(integer num) {
        // Send out device to whoever touched the prim
        llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,BOT_GIVE_INVENTORY,inventoryID, llDetectedKey(0));