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HTTP APIBot Commands
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Update parcel details, including the name, description and selling options

// See "LSL Helper Functions" page for this function
smartbotsAPI("parcel_info_update", [
  "x", 30,
  "y", 60,
  "name", "The new name of the parcel",
  "sale", "on",
  "saleprice", 1500,
  "sellto", "cd93067e-7c4e-41c0-ba91-be01f4bafe35"


The following table shows input values (you send them with the API call) and returned output values.

Variable Required Description
Input basic parameters:
action yes = parcel_info_update
apikey yes Your personal developer's API key.
botname yes Your bot's SL login.
secret yes Bot access code of your bot.
dataType optional Set to "json" to get JSON reply instead of URL-encoded string
custom optional The custom data (string) to be passed back to caller script. This value will be returned back to the caller in HTTP response.
x optional the X coordinate of the parcel (default - at bot's position)
y optional the Y coordinate of the parcel (default - at bot's position)
name optional The parcel name
description optional The parcel description
musicurl optional The parcel music URL
sale optional Set to "on" to set land for sale, "off" to stop selling
saleprice optional The selling price
sellto optional The person UUID allowed to purchase this parcel
sellobjects optional Set to "on" to allow selling objects with the parcels ("off" to disallow)
snapshot optional The UUID of the picture to be set as a parcel image
landingpoint optional The parcel landing point, format: "X/Y/Z"
landingrouting optional The landing restrictions on the parcel, one of:
  • Direct - land anywhere
  • LandingPoint - teleport to landing point only
  • None - teleport is blocked
(to be received in http_response LSL event, see docs for details)
result OK - command completed successfully
FAIL - command failed
resulttext Detailed reason for the failure.
custom The value from input "custom" parameter. See above.


Your bot has to own the parcel, or have some of the permissions:

  • Parcel identity > "Change parcel name, description, and 'Moderate Content' setting"
  • Parcel settings > "Change music & media settings"
  • Parcel Management > "Set land for sale info"

Parcel permissions.png

IMPORTANT: SL requires you to re-log avatar when you change the parcel group abilities. Thus, relog bot after changing them.

Selling parcel

This function is being used to set the sell price of the parcel:

// See "LSL Helper Functions" page for this function
smartbotsAPI("parcel_info_update", [
  // No x and y given, this sell parcel under the bot
  "sale", "on",
  "saleprice", 1500,
  // This is an optional parameter:
  "sellto", "cd93067e-7c4e-41c0-ba91-be01f4bafe35" 

== Checking parcel update results ==

SL does not notify bot if parcel update was successful.

Thus, to ensure the results, bot 

# updates the parcel,
# then re-reads the parcel details from SL and compares them with expected values.

If your bot lacks any permissions (for example, "Set landing point and set teleport routing"), then expected parcel data won't match the actual parcel details. And you get an error from API.

== Return values ==

Use [ API testing suite] to test this API function.

[[Image:Parcel update api.png|center|link=]]

The command returns 


if parcel update succeed. 

{{HTTP API Bot - standard footer}}
