HTTP Bot Callback Events

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HTTP APIBot Commandsset http callback
Revision as of 07:31, 15 May 2024 by NealB (Talk | contribs)

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This page lists all possible callback events you may receive from your bot while using HTTP Bot Callback.

Command Description

Group events

group_invite Activates when someone invites bot to the group.
start_typing Activates when an avatar begins typing an instant message to the bot.
instant_message Activates when bot receives an instant message from avatar.
chat_message Activates when bot receives a local chat message from avatar or object.
balance_changed Activates when the bot's balance changes.
script_dialog HTTP API/Bot Commands/set http callback/HTTP Bot Callback Events/script dialog
online_status Fires when bot's online status changes
teleport_status Teleport progress messages.
nearby_avatars (DEPRECATED. Use nearbyavatars_scan command instead).
group_message The message has arrived from a group chat.
offer_inventory Inventory offer coming from another avatar of object.
offer_friendship Friendship offer event.
offer_teleport Teleport offer event.
offer_friendship_accepted Another avatar accepted our friendship offer. Use offer_friendship to send an offer.
offer_friendship_declined Another avatar has rejected our friendship offer. Use offer_friendship to send an offer.

More events

If you need to process an event not listed here, feel free to contact our support. We are adding events on request.