
From SmartBots Developers Docs
Bot PlaygroundCommands
Revision as of 21:12, 31 October 2016 by Gg (Talk | contribs)

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Puts member of a group in a specific role. Also see a revokeGroupRole function.

Bot.setGroupRole(avatar_uuid, group_uuid, role_uuid);


This command accepts the following parameters:

Variable Required Description

avatar_uuid yes The UUID of the avatar which should be moved to the specific role
group_uuid yes The UUID of the group
role_uuid yes The UUID of the group role. "Everyone" role is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Function returns a Promise with the following data:
success bool true if command completed successfully
error string error string if command has failed


Make sure your bot has sufficient rights to assign/revoke members from group roles.

Check the complex example for function usage.