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Aerielle Kiyori
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AI message history

How to access message history

The dialogue history with each user is stored for a duration of 24 hours. This means that when AI is responding, the system saves both your question and its answer. If you engage with the same bot again within 24 hours, the bot will remember your prior conversation, which does consume tokens. The cost of each response comprises the expenses associated with the question, answer, and instructions.

Dialogs history.png

You can review your autoresponder message history for the past 30 days here

Please be aware that messages from all your autoresponder bots are aggregated here. You can connect not only one bot but several, which is particularly significant if you're managing multiple projects. Messages are presented in chronological order, based on when they were initially received.

The logs for each message contain all the necessary information:

  • Bot name (the name of the bot that responded)
  • Script name (the script that initiated the use of AI)
  • Message (the initial message from the user in the SL, typically a line without hyphens)
  • Sender (the name of the avatar who wrote the message)
  • Instructions (the guidelines for the bot on how to respond, which may include a substantial amount of text spanning several paragraphs)
  • Response (the bot's reply)
  • History entries (indicating how many messages were retrieved from the communication history of this bot and this user)
  • Tokens:
    • Prompt tokens: the number of tokens expended in the user's request
    • Response tokens: the number of tokens utilized in the bot's response
    • Total tokens: the overall number of tokens spent
    • Tokens remaining: the tokens that are left after the interaction
  • Date

It's also possible to access the message history for 30 days, and the corresponding table is located on a separate page. This allows you to sort messages by username, facilitating your review of their conversations.