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Aerielle Kiyori
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Notices custom schedule

Custom scheduling

With custom repeat option, you can create your own schedule variation by typing it manually.

Below you can find the list of currently available examples

Daily schedules

Schedule Description
Everyday Notice will deliver to groups everyday
Every [X] day Notice will deliver according to specific amount of days. For example: Every 3 days

Weekly schedules

Schedule Description
Every week Notice will deliver every week according to it's starting date
Every [X] week Notice will deliver according to it's starting date and amount. For example: Every 2 weeks
Every [X] week, [Weekday] Notice will deliver based on amount of weeks and only on specific weekdays. For example: Every 3 weeks, Tuesdays

Monthly schedules

Schedule Description
Every month Notice will deliver every month according to it's starting date
Every [X] month Notice will deliver every month based on amount of months and it's starting date. For example: Every 2 months

If you'd like us to add more scheduling options, feel free to contact our 24/7 Live Chat Support