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Aerielle Kiyori
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Setting up barkeeper inventory

Alive Barkeeper add-on allows you to create your own set of drinks, or use the pre-defined one already provided by SmartBots.

When your visitor clicks on your Barkeeper bot in Second Life, they receive a dialog of drink menu. This is the menu that you can customize. Read below on how to set this up.

To visit your Barkeeper Inventory page:

  1. Visit Alive Barkeeper add-on page
  2. Click on Personal Bot name (left-side menu)
  3. Click on Setup drinks inventory option

Creating inventory sets

Creating a set of drinks is an easy process and does not require too much time.

1. To add a new drink, click ADD ONE MORE SET option

Add new drink.png

2. Find an object you want under Inventory Browser and click Add option

Add object into set.png

3. After adding the object(s) you want, click Done

Clicking done.png

Removing existing sets

To delete an existing drink set you do not need anymore. Click "Edit" option or the Drink set title

Modify drink set.png

Afterwards, click on Delete this set option to completely remove it

Delete set.png

Important sidenotes

Please keep these in mind while working with the Barkeeper Inventory page

  • Your bot must have COPY + TRANSFER permissions on the items you add under your drink sets.
  • Any adjustments you will make, without clicking Save changes - they will be lost.
  • Bot inventory page allows maximum 9 sets
  • Under each set, maximum 9 items can be added