
Support Managers

Aerielle Kiyori
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Support Bot Telegram Integration

Alive Support Bot add-on for Personal Bots now includes the option to be integrated with Telegram - a popular messenger application that can be downloaded to your Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices.

How does it work

The integration process works as following:

  1. Customer sends your Support Bot a message in SL
  2. Bot forwards copy of the message in your Telegram group
  3. Your staff member replies anything to the bot & picks up the customer
  4. Customer receives notification that Support Manager (SL name) is inbound to contact
Infographics (Support Bot integration) 2.png

Setup & Testing

BE ADVISED: These instructions assume that you purchased Alive Support Bot add-on and created Telegram group chat

Add Support Managers

Before starting the integration process, you must add your team members to the add-on and setup their Telegram usernames.

1. Visit Alive Support Bot add-on page and click Bots and Managers

First page - bots and managers.png

2. Click on bot's name and select Add manager

Add manager.png

3. Enter your Support Manager's SL name and click Proceed

Final add manager.png

4. Click on your Managers name and enter their Telegram username

Click on manager.png

Add Telegram Integration

Before starting this integration process, you must have Telegram group chat created

1. Visit Alive Support Bot add-on page and click Bots and Managers

First page - bots and managers.png

2. Click on bot's name and select Add integration

Add integration.png

3. Select Telegram in the drop-down menu

Dropdown telegram.png

4. Add @SmartbotsSupportBot to your Telegram group chat

Add Support Bot 2.png

5. Copy integration message and send it in your Telegram group chat

Copy integration message.png

6. Click Proceed

Click proceed.png

Integration Testing

At this point, if you've followed all the instructions above correctly - you can test the integration. Send a IM to your Support Bot and you should see the Telegram message.

Testing integration 1.png

To pick up the conversation, your Support Manager must right-click the bot's message and reply anything to it.